Dear Utopia Members,
As 2019 winds down I thought I would reflect on what a busy and eventful year it has been for our organization.
We have had success in maintaining our membership while we continue to add new members. We have had to face the challenges of payroll increases and a persistent party house but we have prevailed and continue to move forward.
First, I would like to extend a large thank you to long time board member Ron Morgan, for his dedicated service to the association as a member of the board and secretary as he steps down from the board this December. I also would like to thank the entire board for their efforts and contributions made all year long behind the scenes to keep our organization running smoothly.
Second, I would like to thank our long time members as well as new members because without your continued support there would be no association. You understand that our patrols are the heart of deterrence; they secure our safety and are the envy of many.
Finally, I hope to see you all at the Annual Members Meeting on January 26th (please save the date -details to follow) where we will kick off the new year by ratifying our board for 2020, introduce a new marketing plan to increase membership, speak with our patrol leadership and enjoy the fellowship of other members.
As we end the year, the board would like to wish all the membership the happiest of holidays as we look forward to next year to further strengthen and grow our organization.
Corinne Collins
Utopia Homeowners’ Security Association