Utopia Homeowners’ Security Association Update


New Accounting Firm for Utopia as of 9/1/2020
Rachel Boharic CPA
12441 NW 3rd St- A4
Plantation, FL 33325

Please note that as of 9/1/2020, we will have a new accounting firm.  We will no longer be using Ivy Accounting.
If you pay by credit card, there is nothing for you to do at this time.  However, please take note of the change so you can update your credit card authorization as needed in the future.  If you pay by check, please send your check to the new firm.   Any billing concerns or questions as of September should be directed to Rachel Boharic CPA.

Other News

To say the least this has been a most challenging time for all, but the Utopia Homeowners’ Security Association continues to move along with our business aided by Zoom and email.  Our patrols continue as usual and despite the difficulty of social distancing, we have managed to bring on new members.

Please join me in welcoming all of our newest members, who have joined so far in 2020.

  • John & Lynze Ballay on Bonita
  • Kristen Lindahl & Neema Malik on Braganza
  • Fernando & Leonor Pocaterra on Kiaora
  • Ira & Judith Zager on Braganza
  • Max Stratouly & Stephanie Zielinski on Malaga
  • Alexander Palenzuela & Eduardo Barbosa on El Prado
  • Cassio Camara & Palom Cacho-Sousa on Ventura

Hopefully we have not missed anyone.

So, thanks to the board for their continued efforts to manage our organization under these difficult circumstances and to the loyal membership that continues to support our patrols to keep Utopia, Utopia.