Safety Tips

Please practice these safety tips to keep you, your family, and your property safe. The documents can be downloaded and shared.

Safe Home

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Street Sense

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Stolen License Decal

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Crime Watch Update

Dear members,

This week we had an attempted break-in in our neighborhood. Our Utopia security was alerted and responded immediately. The perpetrators broke a window and attempted to enter through the rear door but were not successful. Our officer canvassed the neighborhood and several neighbors heard a noise but failed to report it. Fortunately, one of the neighbors did call 911, reported the incident, and our security heard the call on his radio. Lessons learned – be vigilant and report any out of ordinary activity. The security of Utopia is a community effort, and we should not be complacent because we have a patrol. Your engagement with our patrol is what makes it a safer place.

One of our neighboring communities in the South Grove called a meeting with Mayor Regalado and Commander Gentry, to discuss a spike in crime in their neighborhood. The six block radius that encompasses Loquat, Avocado, Palmetto, Royal Palm, Marler, Franklin and Charles Avenues bordered by Douglas Road and Hibiscus Street has been particularly hard hit. Over the last two months home and vehicular break-ins, invasions, gunpoint assaults, vandalism, thefts, constant discharge of explosives, among other recorded felonies and misdemeanors have been reported. This neighborhood is outside of the Utopia boundaries but is close enough. Let’s keep our guard up and keep the criminals out of Utopia.

Please share this news with your neighbors and encourage them to join the Utopia Homeowners Association in order to expand our patrol hours. Even two or three new members will make a difference! To join, have them contact

Be safe,

Peter Zubizarreta
Utopia Home Owners Association

Forwarded From Center Grove Crime Watch

I am posting the content of this notice from the Center Grove Crime Watch.

Stolen Purse

Date: Mon, Jul 16, 2012

One of our Center Grove residents had her purse stolen as she walked close to Shipping and Matilda this morning around 7:30 a.m.  A white car pulled up and a black male approx 25 yrs old jumped out and took her purse from her.  Fortunately, she was not hurt.
They did get her cell phone, keys, wallet with cash.
Police have taken a report.

Some suggestions-

-do not carry your cell phone in your purse but rather clip it to your belt or waist or in your pocket;
-do not carry your keys in your purse but in your pocket or on a belt loop;

…and carry a minimum amt of cash.

Commander Gentry has relayed that part of the ongoing strategy of the police will be as follows and will remain in place for July and the entire month of August.

1. The zone officer assigned to the Center Grove will maintain their due diligence and ensure their presence at a high level for our citizens within the Center Grove community.  This includes all three shifts.
2. Mounted Patrol will be directed in the area to enhance their visibility.
3. Ofc Vasquez (NRO) will be mandated to be visible within the Center Grove community in our efforts to curtail crime.
4. Officers assigned to our Problem Solving Team will be directed to maintain their due diligence and ensure their presence at a high level for our citizens within the Center Grove community.
5. Police Decoy Vehicle will be strategically placed within Center Grove to enhance our visibility.
6. Beat Officer will be mandated to be visible within the Center Grove community in our efforts to curtail crime.

“Zero Tolerance”  All subjects will be arrested for any violations of the law!

The community has our full support and we will continue our efforts at a high level to curtail crime within Coconut Grove.

Please remind all neighbors to remain attentive to their surroundings and call the Miami Police Department for all suspicious person or vehicles within the community.  Specifically for any persons with a pack back riding a bicycle after midnight with no lights.

SW Grove Urgent Crime Meeting

Tuesday, July 24

7:15 – 8:30 pm
Plymouth Congregational Church – Pilgrim House
3400 Devon Road
Coconut Grove

Southwest Grove Residents –

particularly those within the six-block radius of Loquat, Avacado, Palmetto, Royal Palm, Franklin & Charles bordered by Douglas Road & Hibiscus Street

– are invited to attend an urgent crime meeting Tuesday, July 24, 7:15
– 8:30 pm at Plymouth Congregational Church (see details above).

The meeting is being held to discuss the recent spike in crime in this Southwest Grove area, and is being organized by Southwest Grove resident John Reid, and will feature Grove District Commander Richard Gentry and Comm. Marc Sarnoff.

All concerned residents & homeowners are invited to attend.

John Fitzgerald, Secretary
All-Grove Crime Watch

Crimewatch – Coconut Grove Bike Thefts by HOA member Sam Dobrow

Bicycle Theft Ring in Coconut Grove

Recently, there have been a significant amount of bicycle thefts in Coconut Grove and the University of Miami campus. A Miami Police officer said they believe a bicycle theft ring is operating out of Coconut Grove. The thieves are professionals and most of the locks sold for locking up a bike are not a deterrent. The thieves are able to pick both key and combination locks within a few minutes and ride off with your bike. Police officers are unable to file a report without serial numbers and even with serial numbers, the bikes are unlikely to be recovered.

One thief is a Caucasian male about 50-60 years old, bald with very short salt and pepper hair below the ear line, about 5’10”, weighing about 160 lbs. He was seen wearing a white polo shirt and Bermuda shorts fitting into the scene as a typical tourist. He prefers to work when the streets are busy. He will stake out an area looking for high profile bikes and go to work on the bicycle as soon as the owner has locked it up and gone into a store or restaurant. He typically has stolen the bicycle within 15 minutes of the owner leaving the bike.

At the last art walk I locked my bicycle to the light post outside the gallery on McFarland. When I came out of the gallery, I was walking over to CocoWalk to continue the Art Walk and noticed a suspicious man sitting on the newspaper box right next to my bike. I walked right past and as I crossed the street something made me turn and look back. I knew something wasn’t right. I took out my phone camera and pretended to make a photo of the street. As I panned toward my bike the man quickly took off down McFarland, crossed the street and came back up to sit down at Johnny Rockets to scope my bike. I was unable to get a clear photo of him. When I went back to my bike, the seat had been adjusted down and two of the four numbers on the combination lock were already picked. Yesterday, my wife had her bicycle stolen from the bike rack across the street from Greenstreet Cafe. As she returned to her bike after a brief shopping walk, she saw her bike being pedaled down Main Highway. We both had heavy cable combination locks – obviously too easy to pick. I’ve been told by police that most keyed locks are just as vulnerable to picking and freezing.

So what can you do?

First, be very aware of your surroundings! Second, spend some dough on the best locks. I spoke to Darren at Scoot, Skate & Bike Company and this is what he told me I could do to increase the deterrent. First, use a small U-bolt style lock to lock the frame to a pole. The small lock makes it more difficult to turn and maneuver the bike to position theft tools. He recommended the Kryptonite Evolution Mini-5 as having a lock that is difficult to pick. But then I asked, “What about the wheels?” The seat and wheels are protected with a different technology that works in combination with a small U-bolt frame lock.

Skewers allow the quick removal and adjustment of bicycle wheels and saddles. This convenient technology also allows thieves to quickly steal valuable bicycle components. The Zefal Lock-n-Roll skewers use a patented technology to keep the skewers locked until the bike is turned upside down. When the frame is securely locked to a structure with a small U-bolt, the thief is unable to invert the bike to unlock the skewers. So in combination with a small U-bolt, the skewers add the additional security to protect the whole bike with a quick locking device.

Additional tips for keeping your bike secure

  • Always lock your bike, especially at home. This includes your garage, patio, yard, college residence hall, apartment building, when carrying on a car rack, etc.
  • Lock your bike in a well-lit area where there are other bikes.
  • Do not lock your bike in the same location all the time.
  • Make sure your bike cannot be lifted over the object it is locked to.
  • Create a snug fit with wheels and frame so that there is little space in the u-portion of the u-lock for a thief’s tools.
  • Do not lock your bike to itself – front wheel or rear wheel to frame.
  • Always position your u-lock with keyway facing down.
  • Do not position your lock close to the ground where thieves can use tools to crush the lock.
  • If you’re only locking one wheel, it is recommended that you capture the rear wheel as part of your lock-up. Replacement cost for the rear wheel can be up to double the cost of the front wheel.
  • Never speak your combination and keep the entire cylinder covered with your hand when it is unlocked. If any sequence of numbers can be seen, the thief can align the cylinder and turn the combination to all 10 positions very quickly.

Welcome to Utopia!

definition (Merriam-Webster): Utopia: a place of ideal perfection especially in laws, government, and social conditions.

Welcome to the Utopia Homeowners Association website. The Utopia Homeowners Association is a voluntary organization formed to ensure the safety and security of its residents. Our primary function is to employ off duty Miami Police officers to patrol our neighborhood for enhanced security. These uniformed, armed officers patrol in marked Miami Police vehicles and have the full enforcement authority of an on-duty police officer but they are dedicated to our neighborhood and serve as first responders in the event of an emergency. We encourage all residents in our neighborhood to join our organization so we can expand the level of security services. A quick look at the crime watch map and it becomes quite obvious that our small patch of “Utopia” is a very safe place.

In addition to providing our neighborhood enhanced safety, the Utopia HOA also organizes social activities. We believe that community activities such as a movie in the park, progressive dinner party, or neighborhood yard sale give neighbors a chance to meet each other and develop friendships. Those bonds of friendship make Utopia a fun place to live and add security by increasing our awareness of what’s happening in our neighborhood. We hope our members will use this website to communicate with each other and organize neighborhood activities like a bike ride to Fairchild Tropical Botanical Gardens, a garden club, a sailing competition, or even a babysitting referral.