Utopia Homeowners Security Association – Annual General Meeting 2021

Dear Utopia Members,

Every January, we hold our annual members meeting to update you on the association, and for you to vote on the upcoming year’s board of directors.

Due to COVID-19 public health advisories, we will not be holding an in person meeting this year.  Instead, we will be sending you all the pertinent association information, as well as, giving you the opportunity to vote on the board slate for 2021.

So, be on the lookout during the week of January 25th for a packet in the US mail, as well as, an email inviting you to vote for the board.

As always, we appreciate your steadfast membership and support of our neighborhood patrols.


Utopia Homeowners Security Association



Holiday Update & Home Safety Reminders

Dear Utopia Neighbors,

There have been complaints of drivers rolling through the stop sign at Poinciana and Braganza. Our patrol commander let the city know and there will be city police (not our patrol) monitoring this intersection issuing tickets.  Please don’t be one of them!  Also, our commander reminds us to bring in delivered packages, as soon as possible, and keep your cars locked.

These and other safety best practices are listed below.  Please, take a moment to review them.

We know this year has been challenging. We appreciate you and want to thank you for helping make our community a better, more secure place to live. We look forward to seeing you all in 2021.

However you celebrate, we wish you and your family a very Happy Holiday Season!

Utopia HOSA

Holiday Everyday Home Safety Tips

 1. Bring in mail and packages as soon as possible

If you’re traveling, ask a neighbor to collect your mail and/or place a hold on your delivery

2.  Keep travel plans offline & social media

3.  Break down boxes from new purchases (televisions, electronics) or place them in your trash bin

4.  Use a timer for your lights & lock your car (even if you have a gate)

5.  Notify Utopia patrol!

Let the patrol know if you’re out of town or traveling so they can monitor your home for activity



Alert: Car Theft Ring


Dear Neighbors,

There have been a series of high-end car thefts in the Coral Gables/Coco Plum area.  This ring of thieves has now moved and is targeting neighboring areas.

According to our Lt. Valdes, this group of young men from Broward County, ages 16-24, target any high-end vehicles left unlocked in affluent neighborhoods, day or night.  The thieves look for unretracted side view mirrors, signaling a car is unlocked. The video attached is of a recent theft in Pinecrest in broad daylight.

What can I do?

It’s easy.  Regardless of the time of day or presence of a gate, do not leave your car unlocked in your driveway or your fob in your car.  If you see a crime in progress or something suspicious please call 911.





Members, please be aware that along with our new accountant, our monthly billing cycle has changed from mid-month to the 1st of the month.  As a result of this change, the September and October payments are closer together than usual and may seem like a billing error.  Going forward you will now receive your credit card receipt on the 1st of the month or your invoice in the mail shortly thereafter.







Attention:    Utopia Homeowners’ Security Association Members

Please be advised that, if you pay by check, there may be a delay in receiving your September invoice.  This is due to the changeover of accounting firms.  Once you receive your invoice, please send your check to our new accounting firm:

Rachel Boharic, CPA

12441 NW 3 Street #A4

Plantation, FL  33325

Phone: 954-483-0590

Thank you for your consideration in this matter while we make this transition.