Letter From The Utopia HSA President

As a new year begins for the Utopia Homeowners Security Association, I offer a bit of reflection on what a busy and eventful past year it has been for our organization as well as a look ahead to what our future endeavors entail.

We have had continued success in maintaining and growing our membership. While some members moved away, we continued to add enough new members to replace them and actually increase our overall total membership by five by the end of 2019. We also had to face the challenge of police patrol payroll increases and a bothersome party house, all with success to date.

If you did not attend our most recent Annual General Meeting at the end of January, you might not have heard about our new marketing initiative. It is spearheaded by Glenn Patron, our treasurer, and is intended to ramp up our membership in anticipation of another patrol payroll increase by the city this September. We are working hard to make sure that this next payroll increase will not impact the number of weekly patrol hours negatively nor our monthly dues rate. Stay tuned because you will hear more about it and might even want to get involved.

I would like to extend a large thank you to a longtime board member, Ron Morgan, for his dedicated service to the association as a member of the board and secretary as he stepped down from the board this past December. I also would like to thank the entire board for their efforts and contributions made all year long behind the scenes to keep our organization running smoothly and efficiently. So thank you all as we move into a busy new year. And that leads me to the next item and that is to thank our longtime members as well as new members because without your continued support there would be no association. Our patrols are the heart of deterrence; they secure our safety and are the envy of many. We are often asked ‘how do you do it’? The answer lies in all our members’ unwavering support.


Corinne Collins, President
Utopia Homeowners’ Security Association


Dear Utopia Members,

If you received an email from us today with a confusing message, it was sent in error.  We are looking into the problem.   In any event, please disregard the message and sorry for  mix-up.


Corinne Collins




Utopia Homeowners’ Security Association

Our Annual General Meeting  is this Sunday

When:  4-6 pm January 26th, 2020
Where:  In the park at La Playa & Ventura
What If It Rains:  Rain date February 9

Please join us. And if your neighbors are not members, invite them!

Come hear about our new strategic plan to increase membership

Lite refreshments & seating will be provided



AGM Reminder Notice


Our Annual General Meeting

When: 4-6 pm January 26, 2020
Where: In the park at La Playa & Ventura
What If It Rains: Rain date February 9

Please join us. And if your neighbors are not members, invite them!

Come hear about our new strategic plan to increase membership