We moved to a new web host

We outgrew our home at GoDaddy. Our website was living on a 10 year old server that just couldn’t handle the latest technology being pushed out by WordPress (our web site software). GoDaddy wanted to charge us a big conversion fee and then have us sign up for a three year hosting agreement. The numbers just didn’t make sense so we moved to a new hosting company, iPage, which is easier to do business with. The good news is that this did not cost the HSA anything more than the time invested by board members to migrate and test the new environment. Many thanks to those who helped with the heavy lifting.

Our new hosting environment went live on January 1. There are still some glitches to fix but the toughest part of the move is history. Please notify Sam of any irregularities.

BTW, this post is live on the Utopia website but it was emailed only to a few board members. If you received this notice by email, please forward to Sam.

Annual General Meeting Notice

Annual General Meeting
Utopia Homeowner’s Security Association
Thursday, January 31st, 2013
7 pm
at the residence of
Vicki and Hardy Katz
3774 El Prado Blvd.

View Larger Map

Join us for a synopsis of 2012, to meet new members, to ratify the board for 2013, and for a neighbor to neighbor discussion about Utopia.

Please RVSP

Please place the full name (as you want it to be printed on the name tags) of each person attending in the comments box.

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Welcome to Utopia!

definition (Merriam-Webster): Utopia: a place of ideal perfection especially in laws, government, and social conditions.

Welcome to the Utopia Homeowners Association website. The Utopia Homeowners Association is a voluntary organization formed to ensure the safety and security of its residents. Our primary function is to employ off duty Miami Police officers to patrol our neighborhood for enhanced security. These uniformed, armed officers patrol in marked Miami Police vehicles and have the full enforcement authority of an on-duty police officer but they are dedicated to our neighborhood and serve as first responders in the event of an emergency. We encourage all residents in our neighborhood to join our organization so we can expand the level of security services. A quick look at the crime watch map and it becomes quite obvious that our small patch of “Utopia” is a very safe place.

In addition to providing our neighborhood enhanced safety, the Utopia HOA also organizes social activities. We believe that community activities such as a movie in the park, progressive dinner party, or neighborhood yard sale give neighbors a chance to meet each other and develop friendships. Those bonds of friendship make Utopia a fun place to live and add security by increasing our awareness of what’s happening in our neighborhood. We hope our members will use this website to communicate with each other and organize neighborhood activities like a bike ride to Fairchild Tropical Botanical Gardens, a garden club, a sailing competition, or even a babysitting referral.