Message From the President

Dear Members,

We looked forward to holding our Annual Members Meeting in person this year, but due to COVID concerns, decided to cancel.  We decided to replicate what we did last year in place of our annual meeting.  You will receive reports via US mail and an email towards the end of January asking you to approve the board for 2022. To vote, simply reply to that email. We are grateful for everyone’s attention and participation.

Proposed Board for 2022
Corinne Collins – President
Lucas Azar – Vice President & Membership
Gale Patron – Police Liaison
Maureen Pelham – Secretary & Member Liaison
Glenn Patron – Treasurer
Sean Reichert – Member at Large
Jo-Ann Forster – Member at Large
Sam Dobrow – Website/Tech
Annette La Greco – Member at Large
Matt Dillon – Membership
Stephanie Zielinski – Communications

While 2021 was a difficult time for many, our association thrived with a determined attitude and hard work. Our patrol continued to successfully deter crime in our area. Over the next year, the board will focus on membership development, financial oversight, and patrol management. We appreciate our current and newer members for their continued support. We are only as strong as our membership and always look to you for help in numerous ways. Whether you are interested in joining the board, volunteering, or have feedback, we want to hear from you! And be sure to check in from time to time at our website for all the latest news.


Corinne Collins

Annual Meeting Update

Dear Utopia Members,

Every January, we hold our annual members meeting to update you on the association, and for you to vote for the upcoming year’s board of directors.

Due to COVID-19 public health advisories, we unfortunately will not be holding an in person meeting once again his year. Instead, we will be sending you all the pertinent association information by US mail, as well as, giving you the opportunity to vote for the 2022 board slate by email.

So, please be on the lookout during the latter part of January for a packet in the US mail, as well, as an email inviting you to vote for the board.

If you are interested in working with the board or would like to join the board in our work to keep Utopia safe, please contact our membership liaison using the Contact Page.

As always, we appreciate your steadfast membership and support of our neighborhood patrols.

Utopia Homeowners Security Association Board

Car Theft on Bargello Ave (Coral Gables)

A car was stolen from a home on nearby Bargello Ave yesterday evening in Coral Gables (west of Ventura Ave). According to the owner, the officer who responded noted that Coral Gables police are aware of groups from Broward County targeting areas of Coral Gables and routinely stealing cars.

While the presence of Utopia Patrol in our neighborhood discourages those groups from targeting our homes, our officers have asked that the Utopia Board remind you to lock your car and take precautions.

Save the Date: Annual General Members Meeting 1/30/22

Dear Utopia Members,

Every January, we hold our Annual General Members Meeting to update you on the association, and for you to ratify the incoming board of directors. We currently have plans for the meeting to be held Sunday, January 30th from 4:00 – 6:00 in the park at La Playa and Ventura. In past years, we have gathered socially for a “Meet & Greet” and to conduct the business of our HOSA.

We want to ensure everyone’s health and safety, so please monitor your email for updates. If we cancel the in-person meeting due to omicron concerns, you will still be able to ratify the board and get directors’ reports through a combination of email and US mail.

As we end the year, the board would like to wish all members the happiest of holidays as we look forward to next year to further strengthen and grow our organization. We would like to thank our longtime members, as well as, new members because without your continued support there would be no association.

If you are interested in working with or joining the board please contact our membership liaison at:

With Appreciation,
Utopia Homeowners Security Association