Dear Members,
One of our members living at 3737 El Prado experienced a serious burglary this month. Professional perpetrators entered the premises soon after the owners left for the evening, using specialized glass cutting tools, and quickly stole an extensive amount of jewelry. Our patrol was on duty at the time, but there was no alarm set off by the break-in so in this case our patrol was unaware until after the fact. We want you to be aware that although we pride ourselves in having great safety in Utopia, there still can be crime occurring in our neighborhood. It is mostly petty thefts of items from cars left unlocked and yard theft, but when an incident of this magnitude strikes one of our members, we are deeply troubled and concerned.
Please be vigilant. Turn on your alarms. Always lock your doors. Leave a light on and music playing if you go out for the evening. Consider security cameras if your residence cannot be seen from the street, and yard lighting if your property is very dark.
Finally, report any suspicious people and/or activities in the neighborhood to the patrol; anything you notice that is out of the ordinary. Utopia police are our first and most important line of defense in deterring criminals from our neighborhood. We must give them all the support we can.
Thank you one and all for contributing mightily to the safety and security of Utopia. The board joins me in wishing you a safe and happy 2019.
Gale Patron
Security Liaison