Recycling Pickup is indefinitely suspended
Utopia bulk trash pickup is now on the second and fourth Fridays of the month – “Zone: Friday B”
(Miami, FL March 17, 2020) – In order to effectively maintain essential sanitation services while managing COVID-19 impacts, the City of Miami Department of Solid Waste will implement the following changes to its garbage, recycling and bulky trash services, effective Friday, March 20th, 2020.
- Residential garbage collection will continue on a regular schedule – twice weekly.
- Residential recycling collection will be suspended until further notice.
- All recyclable materials should be placed inside the green garbage cart for collection.
- All materials (garbage and recycling) will be converted into electricity at the Miami-Dade County Resource Recovery Center.
- Bulky trash collection will transition from weekly service to service every other week.
- Pickup for (A) routes will take place on your designated day the first and third week of the month.
- Pickup for (B) routes will take place on your designated day the second and fourth week of the month.

City of Miami Solid Waste Services Updated Schedule
The mini dump facility for bulky waste will remain open Monday through Saturday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.: 1290 NW 20th St. Additionally, dead animal removal services and street litter container collection will continue on a regular basis while street sweeping services will continue on a reduced schedule.
For more information regarding City of Miami Department of Solid Waste services, please contact customer service at 305-960-2801, call 3-1-1 or visit For all updates regarding COVID-19 in the City of Miami, please visit