NOTICE: Recycling and bulk trash schedule changes take effect Friday, March 20, 2020

Recycling Pickup is indefinitely suspended

Utopia bulk trash pickup is now on the second and fourth Fridays of the month – “Zone: Friday B”

(Miami, FL March 17, 2020) – In order to effectively maintain essential sanitation services while managing COVID-19 impacts, the City of Miami Department of Solid Waste will implement the following changes to its garbage, recycling and bulky trash services, effective Friday, March 20th, 2020.

  • Residential garbage collection will continue on a regular schedule – twice weekly.
  • Residential recycling collection will be suspended until further notice.
  • All recyclable materials should be placed inside the green garbage cart for collection.
  • All materials (garbage and recycling) will be converted into electricity at the Miami-Dade County Resource Recovery Center.
  • Bulky trash collection will transition from weekly service to service every other week.
  • Pickup for (A) routes will take place on your designated day the first and third week of the month.
  • Pickup for (B) routes will take place on your designated day the second and fourth week of the month.
Miami Trash Pickup Zone Map

City of Miami Solid Waste Services Updated Schedule

The mini dump facility for bulky waste will remain open Monday through Saturday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.: 1290 NW 20th St. Additionally, dead animal removal services and street litter container collection will continue on a regular basis while street sweeping services will continue on a reduced schedule.

For more information regarding City of Miami Department of Solid Waste services, please contact customer service at 305-960-2801, call 3-1-1 or visit For all updates regarding COVID-19 in the City of Miami, please visit


Urgent – Postponement of Family Movie Night


In an abundance of caution, Movie Night for this Friday March 13th is now postponed due to conditions warranting the limitation of gatherings of 50  or more (following the University of Miami guidelines) .  The new date has yet to be determined, but we will certainly notify you once it  is established.

Please let your non-member neighbors, who may have been planning to attend know about the postponement.

UHOA  Board

Utopia Movie Night – This Friday


Spies in Disguise suggested by our very own age-appropriate movie critic Sebastian Azar, will be shown in our park at La Playa and Ventura.

Friday, March 13th
Picnic hour 6:30
Movie begins 7:30

Everyone’s invited, members and neighbors. Children can come dressed up or in their pajamas! Just bring low chairs or blankets, a picnic if you like and get ready to enjoy yet another benefit of living here in Utopia.

Movie, popcorn, Pizza, snow cones and more courtesy of Sean Reichert and Jo-Ann Forster.

NOTE: Volunteers are needed to help set up AND clean up afterwards in order to make this annual event a continuing success. Please continue to be a good neighbor!


Theft From Cars In Utopia

Neighbors, please be diligent in protecting your property from crimes of opportunity. Recently there have been three events in our neighborhood where unlocked vehicles have been entered and valuables stolen. Your Utopia Board is working with Miami Police who are coordinating efforts with Coral Gables police to identify and interdict a group of criminals in our area.

We are sharing this video (viewable on our website) taken by a Utopia neighbor from their security system. You can see for yourselves how easily and quickly an unlocked car can be burglarized, even while security cameras are running. This crime occurred near the intersection of Ventura and LaPlaya. The two other events occurred on Bonita Ave.

Many of us in the Grove do not have garages and leave our vehicles parked in the street or driveway. An unlocked car is the easiest target but a locked car with visible valuables will be broken into by criminals like these. Miami police report that most crimes of theft occur when vehicles are left unlocked or valuables are within easy sight and access from the street. Please lock your vehicles and remove valuables, especially computers, cameras, electronics, and other small valuables. Do not leave keys to your house or car outside. Many cars have been stolen when keys were left accessible, such as under the fender on the tire. Houses have been burglarized when door keys were left under a door mat or other accessible location. Don’t be a victim, be secure.

If you see a crime in progress or something suspicious call 911. Miami police will respond to 911 calls and dispatch appropriate police officers to investigate. If our officer is on duty, he/she will also be dispatched to respond to crime in progress. Remember that our patrol is here to deter crime through visible patrols and surveillance; but they are not a first contact for crime in progress. The Miami Police department coordinates all dispatch of officers to reported crimes and emergencies; including extra duty officers on patrol in Utopia.

Utopia is one of the lowest crime neighborhoods in the City of Miami. We have achieved this level of safety through our patrol services but we are not covered 24×7. These crimes occurred while our patrol was not in service. Please talk to your neighbors and ask the non-members to join our association so we can increase the number of patrol hours which will help to further deter incidents like these.