Thanks again for supporting the monthly dues increase

As you are all probably aware, the long-studied, discussed and awaited monthly dues increase finally kicked in on Oct. 1, 2018, bringing our long time $100 a month fee to $125.  Without repeating too much detail, this was all brought about by the unusually large police pay increase mandated by the city.

Some of you may have also noticed a disruption in our billing process.  During the spring and summer we transitioned from our original accounting firm  to a new firm (Ivy Accounting).  This was necessitated by a change in personnel and accounting systems at the former firm.  So while Glenn Patron, who so wonderfully stepped in once again to be our treasurer, took over the helm, he found the shift to the new accountant was a bit more problematic than we had anticipated.  All in all though, we seem to be back on track.

So with the new rate now in place, we will be increasing patrol hours.

Thank you to the membership for the unanimous support for the increase.  Always know that administrative costs are kept to a minimum and the vast majority of revenue goes to support our hourly patrols.  Any increase in our fee is predicated on keeping and increasing our patrols.

Neighborhood security tips for the holidays–and more

It’s the most wonderful time of the year. For burglars, too. How to Grinch-proof your home and our Utopia?
Here, a few reminders:

  • Don’t advertise your travel plans by posting those online
  • Tell a trusted neighbor your away dates
  • Ensure your Christmas lights are stable
  • Try not to leave deliveries out in sight and easily accessible places


SECURITY ALERT: Thieves Working in the Neighborhood

Utopia Homeowners SECURITY Alert

Please be aware. There are reports of thieves actively seeking to enter unlocked cars in Utopia and nearby neighborhoods.

The Utopia Security Police Patrol is aware of this, is on alert and asks us to double check your car to ensure it is locked at all times.

Let’s not make it easy for criminals.

Important Notice to Utopia Members

Dear Utopia Member,

This is to advise you that you will be receiving an important mailing from our accountants postmarked on June 27th. Please be on the look out for this letter in the next few days.

You will receive important information about our membership dues increase that goes into effect on October 1, 2018. There are specific steps which you may need to take to assure a smooth billing transition before the the new dues go into effect.

Thank you in advance for your attention and help in this matter.


Your Utopia Board

Notice: Miami Vehicle Protection Registration Opens

The city of Miami offers free emergency parking for vehicles during hurricanes. One vehicle per household can be registered in advance to receive a free pass for parking in city garages when a hurricane event is announced.

Every year residents are allowed to preregister for the hurricane season. The registration period starts tomorrow, May 1, and ends June 29. Passes are issued on a first come basis while they last.

Many Coconut Grove residents do not have a garage to protect their vehicle and most others need to use their garage to shelter all their yardware (yard art, yard furniture, bicycles, potted plants, etc.). Once a storm warning is announced south Florida begins its race to protect property and tie down all potential projectiles. Put your plan into action early. Register soon. Its a great program.

Learn more on the Miami Parking website.

Visit the Registration page [here].