Gather the family together. Pack a cooler with your favorite beverage. Join the Utopia family in the park. Free to all Utopia residents and their guests.
Utopia Movie Night – Bring the Whole Family
Verify your online credentials with two links
On February 9, I wrote an article about online security and how to create secure passwords. You may be thinking that your credentials and passwords are safe; that they’ve never been compromised but how do you know? In this short article, I’m posting links so you can check if your credentials were hacked and exposed. The site was created using databases of hacked email addresses and passwords that are floating around on the dark web. Hackers are using this database and new breaches to steal people’s identity and access their bank accounts.
Email addresses are used to verify your identity on many online sites. The link below will advise you on the sites where your email address has been compromised:
Check your Email address
Pwned Passwords are half a billion real world passwords previously exposed in data breaches. This exposure makes them unsuitable for ongoing use as they’re at much greater risk of being used to take over other accounts. They’re searchable online below:
Check Passwords
Its tough to fix a lifetime of passwords. You can start by fortifying your email logons and bank accounts. Then start fixing your social media accounts. Never reuse passwords on these sensitive accounts.
Read my earlier article on creating unique passwords to protect your online identity [here].
Happy and safe surfing!
Door to Door Magazine Scams
A recent notice was posted on which contained a 2015 article from The Atlantic Magazine [link] about door to door magazine sales scams. The story detailed how young, disadvantaged youths were being recruited into organized crime and exploited to perpetrate these scams. Its a lengthy read, so I’ll summarize here.
Most of the youths do not know they are selling a scam. They have no idea that the magazine orders are rarely fulfilled and the magazines have no idea who is selling the scams. These kids have been recruited and then transported out of state to earn “big money” selling magazine subscriptions. Most of the teens are trapped into the situation and have little if any money to quit and return home once they figure out something is not right. Law enforcement has difficulty tracking down the criminal bosses because the complaints are far and few between, the crime amounts to petty theft, and the businesses keep changing their names to hide from law enforcement. The kids themselves are the only ones that law enforcement can actually arrest “for solicitation” because they are hired as independent contractors. The good news is that, most of the time, these kids are not scoping out the neighborhood to determine who is home to plan or conduct a burglary.
Most people consider it a bit creepy when a strange person comes knocking at the front door and tries to get entry into your home to sell something. Once inside, they are told not to go without a check. That feeling of vulnerability causes many people to write a check to get them out the door. Please be aware of these scams. Do not allow strangers into your home and consider placing a “NO SOLICITATION” sign on your door which you can point at without opening your door. If you are approached, do not open your door, call the police. If you are a member of the Utopia Security Association, call the patrol officer number and they will investigate if they are on duty. Our patrol officers inform us that they have intercepted numerous of these solicitors in the past, verified their identity, arrested some with criminal records and and sent others out of our neighborhood. If you would like to see more patrol hours, please ask your neighbors to join.
Stay safe…