Crime Watch Meeting Report

Report by Rhonwyn Ullmann

There were 33 people in attendance this evening. (The most since I’ve been going).
Many having concerns about code violations, crime, parking, etc.

State attorney gave report about frequent offenders and their status, as well as names of others on watch list.
He stresses that we (the public/victims) speak up if we see or experience any crime or potential crime.

Court Watch report: (a number of attorneys who attend court hearings to speak up for victims). They are setting up an orientation for state attorney office attorneys to help them better understand issues in the grove and with concerns about frequent offenders.

Police Report:
32% reduction in crime. 50% reduction in burglaries. Crime down in every category.
“Having said that” said commander Gonzalez:

Today, January 11 in south grove there was a break in. Woman had let her housekeeper go recently. Today, housekeepers son broke into the house, not knowing homeowner was at home. Caught stealing jewelry. Homeowner called police.

Recent gun violence in village west. Was a dispute between 2 men over drugs. There were 3 victims.

They are hoping to re open the west grove sub station. Reason it closed had to do with the building not meeting code. Love king for new location.

Numerous reports of magazine
Sales people going door to door. These are often people casing area. Contact police.

Commander Gonzalez suggests people get cameras, even if fake, deters burglars.

Several new businesses in center grove. Most fitness related.

That’s about it.
Next meeting February 8th

Postal Fraud in Coconut Grove

This message was previously posted by Miami PD on It is re-posted here to raise awareness of situations that may place your financial situation at risk.

Coconut Grove Commander Mike Gonzalez from Miami Police Department

Good Afternoon Coconut Grove,

Please see the post below that was sent to me. We have received more than one report of this and investigations are underway. Miami PD will be working with and assisting the Federal Postal Police as needed.

“A friend mailed four checks in an envelop and dropped it in the Grove drive thru box on Dec 27. The checks were fished out of the box, washed, re-written for excessive amounts, and cashed. She has reported it to the Postal Inspectors and is working with the banks for reimbursement. Post office said thieves have devices that can fish mail out of exterior mail boxes. Recommend not using exterior boxes for any kind of negotiable instrument (i.e. checks). Need to go inside post office or hand to letter carrier.”

Burglary – Saturday Nov 26


There has been a burglary of a home of one of our members within our precious Utopia boundaries. The burglary occurred this past Saturday between 5pm and 11pm. The thief(s) gained entrance through a side door that was unlocked so there was no forcible entry.

The thieve(s) never went to the second floor. They took random small things, jewelry, and a bedspread that was probably used for gathering small stolen items. They opened the top drawer of every bureau or desk or cabinet.

Miami city police are investigating fully. They took fingerprints, etc., but tend to think it might be someone working construction in the neighborhood.

Our patrol notes: please be sure to report any suspicious activity, even if it is something like construction workers staying late. We are awaiting evidence and hopefully we will gain further information about this burglary.

We urge everyone to keep all the doors to your home and vehicles locked at all times. When you leave your home, leave lights on and music playing.

Let’s not make it easy for thieves. Be especially vigilant now during the holidays as this is a time for increased theft.

Be doubly aware of all goings on in the neighborhood and please call the patrol with any concerns or doubts. If there is no one on duty, immediately call 911.

The member said they have lived here 23 years and this has never happened. We all become somewhat lax living in our enclave of neighbors in such a serene environment. Please be vigilant.

Hurricane Preparedness

Hurricane Matthew

Please be advised that Miami-Dade, officially, has just been put under a Tropical Storm Watch.

In order to remind you and your household members to be prepared:

Be sure to have plenty of

  • Water (minimum 5 gallons per person—and don’t forget your pets)
  • Food (easily prepared without need of electricity and not easily spoiled in case refrigeration goes out)
  • Medications
  • Keep your mobile phones charged and have a back up charger
  • Keep important documents in easily accessible waterproof containers
  • Fill your car gas tanks

Please secure all outside objects that may become airborne in high winds—trash cans, planters, lawn equipment– even any loose trimmings should be put under tarps.

Also, be advised that if the Miami-Dade Police Department goes into emergency mode, our patrol may not be available to help.

Final tip: go through your home and take pictures of everything inside and out.