Volunteers Needed for Utopia Committees!

Can you help?

Crime Watch Representative Needed

The 2016 Board of Directors SEEKS Members to represent Utopia HOSA at the “Grove Crime Watch” Meetings. Our community organization is the role model for other neighborhoods. We need a representative to attend monthly meetings and report back to our membership.

Social Committee

We all know “it takes a village” – and by gosh, we are one! So please take the time to lend us a hand. We’ve not had one of our legendary social events in a while because frankly that same crew is getting tuckered out. We have an offer of a wonderful house for an outdoor evening event, perhaps a dance party! We also have suggestions for family events in our little park such as a picnic, BBQ, and/or cocktail get together, but we need new people to lead our Utopia social life.


Utopia has a feature rich website. We’re looking for new ideas on how to make it better.

Please let me know if you can join or lead a committee!

Gale Patron, President

Shots Fired into Tucker Elementary School Building

This morning our units responded to Tucker elementary school at SW 37 Ave and Thomas Ave. in reference to shots fired. The on-scene investigation revealed that several shots had been fired a block north of the school. A stray bullet had struck a building at the school. No students were injured in the incident. At this time we are looking for a black male with dreads, medium build and in his 20’s, wearing a black hoodie and dark pants. The suspect was armed and fled in a 4 door white vehicle with tinted windows. We are following several investigative leads, but the need the public’s help to provide any information that may assist the investigation.

I will discuss the incident in further detail tonight at our West Grove Crime Watch at 7pm at Greater St. Paul AME church located at 3680 Thomas Ave. The safety of our kids needs to be our number 1 priority and I have modified our strategy to ensure we can provide our community’s educational facilities a safe environment for our children to learn. I have assigned a grove beat officer to monitor the area of Tucker Elementary from Monday – Friday from 7a-4p. In addition, our Problem Solving Team will be conducting anti-narcotics operation in the adjacent area to address the sale of drugs. Please come out tonight and get involved, only by working together will we be able bring lasting peace to our community.

Please call 911 or 305-471-TIPS if you have any information.

Thanks and I will keep you posted on our progress.

Commander Manuel A. Morales
Coconut Grove NET
Miami Police Department
South District Substation
2200 West Flagler St.
Miami, FL. 33135

Police Vigilance and Utopia Patrols Reduce Grove Crime

Utopia Membership has increased and funded more hours of police patrol in Utopia village. Together, with the increased efforts of the Miami Police Department, we are making Utopia and our surrounding neighborhoods a safer place to live, work, and play. Please review Commander Morales report on overall crime reduction in the Grove.

Dear residents and crime watchers,

In January 2015, our team set a goal to keep Coconut Grove as one of the safest neighborhoods in the City of Miami. In order to meet our goal, we aimed to increase our community involvement to build a strong partnership with the community we serve and to reduce the effect of crime on our residents and visitors. I have highlighted some of our accomplishments.

On our community engagement front, Neighborhood Resource Officers Maguffey and Vasquez spearhead our Youth Empowerment Program. The program aimed to build a strong bond between the police and youth in the Grove by working together during an intense 13 week personal and professional enrichment journey. I want to take this opportunity to thank all those who helped with suit donations and volunteered to help us in the program. In addition, we strived for increased transparency and communication by providing community updates via email, Next Door App, and on Twitter (@CGCommanderMo).

Our crime fighting efforts have been incredibly successful, the Grove has led all neighborhoods in the City of Miami in crime reduction for the past two years. The reduction is in large part due to the work performed by the Grove Problem Solving Team (PST), under the leadership of Sergeant Pacheco. The team was able to identify several locations used for the sale of narcotics and executed search warrants that led to the recovery of trafficking amounts of cocaine and heroin. More importantly, as part of our Anti-Gun Violence initiative the team seized 12 firearms in the Village West. Our PST also compile the Top 10 repeat offender list and with the assistance of our partners in the State Attorney’s Office and the Court Watch volunteers of the All-Grove Crime Watch, we were able to secure enhanced prosecution of several of our most notorious criminals.

In order to give you perspective of our performance, I compared our statistics this year to the rest of this decade and have listed the results below:

Year Total reported crimes %  change from previous year
2010 1449
2011 1356  -6%
2012 1407 4%
2013 1399 -.5%
2014 1173 -16%
2015 906 -23%

The research revealed that since our team took responsibility of police services in Coconut Grove in mid-2013, crime has been reduced an incredible 36% (from 1407 crimes in 2012 to 906 in 2015). Our greatest successes this year came in the prevention of robberies and burglaries, where we saw a 32% and 26% reductions from last year. The reductions are a testament to the incredible community commitment to call 911 when witnessing suspicious and criminal activity.  We know that the crime drop is dramatic, but are cognizant that we still have plenty of work to do, especially in the prevention of violent crime in the Village West.

As we look forward to a great 2016, we will continue to improve our crime prevention strategies and fine tune our tactics to keep you safe. I want to encourage you to get to know the officers that work for you by taking advantage of our “Cruise with a Cop” initiative, which gives Grove residents the opportunity to go on a ride-along with one of your neighborhood officers. On behalf of Chief Llanes and the entire Coconut Grove police team, I want to wish you a Safe and Happy Holiday Season.

Commander Manuel Morales

Sinkhole Hazard on El Prado at Midway

Sgt Lai requested that this information be distributed to Utopia Members:

Caution Advised

There is a potential sinkhole opening up on El Prado near Midway. We [police patrol] are working on getting public works out….. [The sinkhole is] near a sewer drain so not sure on what could happen. We requested for barricades to potentially shut the road down until it is checked out and worked on… The sink hole is in the middle of the road.

Sgt. Nathania Lai

Sinkhole developing at El Prado and Midway.

September 2015 All Grove Crime Watch Report

After the summer recess, I’m happy to report that the All Grove Crime Watch meetings are back in session. This month’s meeting was on Wednesday, September 9th at its usual location, St. Stephen’s School on McFarlane Road.

The All Grove Crime Watch is a supporter of the Miami Police Department’s Youth Empowerment Program. The program recruits disadvantaged youth, primarily from the West Grove and uses police officers to mentor them through various structured activities over a period of several weeks. Donations to the Youth Empowerment Program are always welcome and can be made through the donation button on the All Grove Crime Watch webpage: grovecrimewatch.org.

Police Report

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