Save the Date: Utopia’s Annual General Meeting on Saturday, February 3rd

Dear Utopia Members,

At the beginning of every year, we hold our Annual General Members Meeting (AGM) to update you on the association, and for you to ratify the incoming board of directors. In the past, we have held the meetings on Sundays, however this year, we have plans for the meeting to be held Saturday, February 3rd from 4:00 – 5:30pm in the park at La Playa and Ventura.

The business portion will start promptly at 4:00pm.  For those of you who wish stay, there will be an opportunity to socialize with members afterward.

As we end the year, the board would like to wish all members the happiest of holidays as we look forward to next year to further strengthen and grow our organization. We would like to thank our longtime members, as well as, new members because without your continued support there would be no association.  If you are interested in working with or joining the board please
contact our membership liaison at:

With Appreciation,
Utopia Homeowners Security Association

Security Update for All Members

An important security reminder from our patrol leadership: Please remember to always lock your car doors and remove the fob.
This reminder is based on a recent car theft within our Utopia boundaries (not a member) that occurred around 4:00 AM. The car was unlocked with the key fob inside. The car had a tracking system and was recovered in Broward County.
No matter how much patrol coverage we have, it’s important to always remember to lock your car and remove the fob.  Let’s do our part to ensure we keep our neighborhood safe and secure.
Happy Holidays.

Utopia Updates – No Tricks, Just Treats!

Dear Neighbors,

Please see below for project status updates from the board, as well as, a few general safety reminders from patrol to ensure you enjoy a safe and (not so scary) Halloween.

(1) Membership (Mat Dillon): Sign Replacement Project is Complete! 

All old signs have been replaced. If you have any questions or are missing a sign please let membership know at As mentioned, the new signs reflect our new HSA url and are made of a more durable material that should hold up much better to our Florida weather.

(2) Treasurer (Lucas Azar): Payment Software Transition to QuickBooks Thank you for your patience during our transition, as a reminder if you have any questions or concerns related to payment you can email our accountant, Rachel Boharic, at or call her at (954) 483-0590.

(3) General Safety Reminders 

Most new vehicles side mirrors will retract when locked which is easily viewed from the street. Set a daily reminder to

  • Lock your vehicle.
  • Remove the key fob and avoid keeping items of value in the vehicle.

If you’re traveling…

  • Be careful what you share on social media.
  • Request a mail hold or ask a neighbor to collect your mail to avoid letting packages sit which may signal no one is at home.
  • Membership Benefit: Call Utopia and request vacation patrol service!

Have a Safe and Happy Halloween! Thank you for being a member and for helping keep our community safe and secure!

Your Utopia HSA Board

Photo: New Membership Sign


Utopia Sign Replacement Notice

Dear Neighbors,

It’s come to the Board’s attention that many Utopia membership signs are faded or in need of replacement.  Very soon, you may see the volunteers from the Utopia Board on your street, starting to replace all existing members’ Utopia signs.


1) Our Utopia membership signs represent our association to the community. We want to ensure our brand is clear and visible.

2)  To better reflect our associations mission as a security association, we recently migrated our website URL from to Our new signs will be updated to include this new email address.

What Can I expect?

The general appearance of the sign will remain the same – size, logo, and reflective surface.

This update will occur in phases. Board members who have volunteered to help replace signs will be working street by street to make these changes (weather permitting).

What action is required from members?

Nothing! The board will remove both the metal stake and attached sign and it replace it with new ones on your behalf.

Note: Please remove any other placards you may have attached to the stake that you wish to keep.

If you have any questions or concerns please contact our member liaison at


Utopia HSA Board