Mark Your Calendar! It’s time for Utopia’s Annual General Meeting


The Utopia Homeowners Security Association Board is pleased to invite you to join us (in person!) for our Annual General meeting. The primary purpose of the meeting to update members on the association, and for you to vote for the upcoming year’s board of directors.

You will also have the opportunity to meet the new Coconut Grove Commander and to socialize with other members of our association.

When:  4-6 pm January 29th, 2023
Where:  In the park at La Playa & Ventura

Non-members are also welcome.

Lite refreshments & seating will be provided.

SAVE THE DATE: Utopia Annual General Members Meeting 1/29/23


Dear Utopia Members,

In the past, we have held the association’s Annual General Meeting every January to update you on the association, and for the membership to ratify the incoming board of directors.  During the last couple of years, we have conducted this business via email due to covid. We currently have plans for the meeting to be held, once again, in person on Sunday, January 29th from 4:00 – 6:00 PM in the park at La Playa and Ventura.  Please save the date and be on the lookout in January for further communication & information about the meeting.

As we end the year, the board would like to wish all members the happiest of holidays as we look forward to next year to further strengthen and grow our organization. We would like to thank our longtime members, as well as, new members because without your continued support there would be no association. 

If you are interested in working with or joining the board please contact our membership liaison at:

With Appreciation,


Utopia Security Update

Miami Police Department Crime Reporting Map

Hello Members,

This message is both a reminder and a thank you.  As you see from the crime map (Miami City Police website – dated 4/1/22 -8/29/22) our Utopia Security neighborhood, bounded on the north by Poinciana and on the south by Bonita Ave, shows very little criminal activity, especially when compared to the surrounding neighborhoods.  

First a reminder, please keep your car doors locked and remove any valuables (including key fobs). Second, a big thank you for your support. Your membership dues keep Utopia Police Patrols running in our neighborhood, and that thwarts criminal activity.  With an active Police Patrol and proactive security awareness by all members, we will continue to enjoy living in one of Miami’s safest neighborhoods.

Stay safe,
Your Utopia Homeowners Security Association

A Utopia Homeowners Security Reminder



Day or night, unlocked cars are easy targets.  Our patrol officers offer this simple but very effective remedy –   keep your car doors locked and all valuables removed.     There have been either car break-ins or car thefts around the area (Gables, South Grove) so do not make it easy for these opportunistic thieves.  The simple act of securing your car goes a long way to making our area an undesirable target.