This is an update from our Lt. Lai regarding criminal activity around our area, she states: “There have been several incidents in the deep Grove area in the last couple of weeks. Most of the incidents have been in the areas surrounding Utopia. They have occurred from Battersea, Main Highway, North Bay Home’s Drive, and the latest near Merrie Christmas Park. The incidents include attempting to break into homes, actually breaking in, and breaking into numerous vehicles. There are several video incidents with vehicles, it is clear to see a subject who walks up to every car door trying until he finds cars that are open. There appears to be a group of individuals targeting the area. Although the individuals doing the home break-ins appear to be different from the person involved with the cars. There was an incident a day ago on Malaga, in our area, where someone went onto the property but did not go into the home. We still classify that as a burglary. On a side note, I also stopped an individual who was walking around taking pictures who was staying at an Air B&B. You have a few people within Utopia renting out their properties. Please be aware of this within your area as it brings a lot more transient people”.
Lt. Lai reminds us to lock our vehicles, use alarms and report any suspicious activity. Our patrol’s presence continues to deter, however this rash of activity right on our border is looking to be a problem, so stay vigilant and know that our officers are keenly aware of this up tick in criminal activity.