How long have we all been “Safe at Home” here in Utopia? Weeks? Months? Eons? Many of us feel a great sense of pride and comfort due to our wonderful neighbors, neighborhood and Utopia Security Patrol, which makes our days and nights go smoothly.
Even with this social distancing, aren’t we smiling and saying hello more? Sharing survival tips more? Sharing fresh vegetables and freshly baked bread more? It’s a wonderful feeling of neighborliness.
We spoke with our Security Patrol the other evening and asked “How are we doing as a neighborhood?” Sgt. Reyes, one of our officers on duty, noted, “Utopia continues to be the most safe neighborhood in Miami.”
He added, “The only instances we see are times when homeowners leave their cars open, forgetting when they bring packages or groceries in, to come back and physically close and lock their cars. I’ve gone up and knocked on doors to alert people that their cars are open.”
“Also, people should be aware of packages that they’re having delivered. They should check to ensure the package is there or not, just not wait until the next day or so to look out their front door. Even though we haven’t seen missing deliveries, it pays to be aware.”
“Of course, the standard advice: ‘if you see something, say something ‘ (or call us!) still applies. Just the other day, we found a vagrant camped in an empty lot. He just didn’t belong there so we asked him to move along.”
Thanks for being an important part of Utopia, the most safe neighborhood in Miami. And thanks for helping to keep us all safe and secure.