President’s Letter – 3rd Quarter 2011

Issue II, 3rd Quarter 2011

Dear Member,

I hope this newsletter finds you well, and that you are enjoying a great summer.  We hope you enjoy the second edition of our newsletter, designed to keep you up-to-date with news of the Utopia Homeowners Association.

Since our last newsletter, your UHOA Board of Directors has been hard at work interacting with the City of Miami Police to enhance the security of our neighborhood. We are constantly monitoring crimes in our surrounding area in coordination with our police patrol to determine the most effective strategy for keeping our community safe.

On a social front, our first “Neighborhood Dinner” was a great success. Many members of UHOA joined together for a night of drinks, dinner, and fun. Our Board is busy planning additional opportunities for you to come out and meet your neighbors. A members event is planned for September followed by a community event in our park in the fall.

Finally, and most crucially, your Board has been reaching out to all the non-members within the UHOA boundaries to increase our membership. More members mean more patrol hours, and hopefully an even safer neighborhood. YOU, our member, are the best ambassador for growth for Utopia HOA.  Please take the time to invite your neighbor to join us.
Have a wonderful summer,

Ben Quevedo